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You read over the local-host server guides, you even set up a local server (or two), but you’ve realized that your home network isn’t fast enough for you to share your server with friends. No worries, today we’re taking a peek at the world of remote Minecraft hosts.

您阅读了本地主机服务器指南,甚至设置了一个(或两个)本地服务器,但是您已经意识到家庭网络不够快,无法与朋友共享服务器。 不用担心,今天我们来看看Minecraft远程主机的世界。

准备挑选主持人 (Preparing to Pick a Host)

Before we even begin to delve into the subject, the first thing we would suggest is becoming very familiar with the ins-and-outs of running the local server on your network before jumping into paying for and dealing with a remote host.


The degree of tech support offered by different hosts ranges from hand-holding to completely DIY so it really helps to know the tools you plan on using pretty well before diving into managing a remote Minecraft server.


The knowledge you’ve acquired via reading our previous Minecraft tutorials, as well as the knowledge you continue to build up by playing with the servers you’ve installed, exploring plugins, etc., will prove very useful when comparing hosts and setting up your first remote server.


Unlike previous tutorials where we guide you through an explicit step-by-step, this lesson is focused on familiarizing yourself with the basic terms used by Minecraft hosting sites, the options out there, and how to avoid getting ripped off in the process.


A final word before we begin: our advice and suggestions are based on the premise that you are a home user who wants to host a remote server so that they and their friends can more easily play. The logistics of hosting a server that will support hundreds of players is beyond the scope of this lesson.

在我们开始之前要说最后一句话:我们的建议和建议是基于您是家庭用户的前提,您希望托管远程服务器,以便他们和他们的朋友可以更轻松地玩游戏。 托管可支持数百名玩家的服务器的后勤工作超出了本课程的范围。

走官方路线 (Going the Official Route)

Before we dive into the myriad of unofficial hosts out there, we need to give Minecraft Realms a big nod. It’s the only official Minecraft host in the world as it’s directly endorsed, hosted, and promoted by Mojang.

在我们深入研究无数的非官方主机之前,我们需要对Minecraft Realms表示敬意。 它是Mojang直接认可,托管和推广的世界上唯一的Minecraft官方托管。

Although it doesn’t support plugins, mods, or the more advanced features such add-ons bring to servers, it does feature simple billing ($13 a month for 10 players), zero chance of getting ripped off, stable servers, great uptime, and regular world backups.


Everything that appears in the regular PC edition (mobs, biomes, infinite maps) appears in Minecraft Realms.

普通PC版中出现的所有内容(生物,生物群落,无限地图)都出现在Minecraft Realms中。

If you just want to play with next-to-zero setup and no headaches, Realms is a solid option. It’s official, it’s simple, and at a little over a buck a player per month, it’s cheap.

如果您只想尝试零到零的设置而没有麻烦,Realms是一个不错的选择。 它是官方的,很简单,而且每个月只要多花一美元,它就很便宜。

在个人Minecraft主机中寻找什么 (What to Look For In a Personal Minecraft Host)

As we emphasized in the introduction to this lesson, the focus here is on personal hosting. While commercial-level Minecraft hosting can get pretty pricey, there’s a ton of economical hosting options for people interested in hosting a small number of friends.

正如我们在本课程简介中所强调的那样,这里的重点是个人托管。 虽然商业级别的Minecraft托管可以变得非常昂贵,但对于有兴趣托管少量朋友的人来说,有很多经济的托管选项。

硬件注意事项 (Hardware Considerations)

As anyone who has ever suffered through five frames per second on an old laptop can tell you, Minecraft can be a bit hardware intensive, especially if you have lot of players and mods running.


When shopping for a Minecraft host, look for hosts that have current and speedy server processors (the individual speed of the processors is more important than the multi-core abilities as Minecraft doesn’t use multi-threading).


You don’t need a lot of disk space for Minecraft, but it is a very read/write intensive game so SSDs are a bonus (most Minecraft hosts advertise that all their servers use SSDs).


设置注意事项 (Setup Considerations)

How easy is it to configure the host? Most hosts have evolved to the point that they offer the sort of click-n-pay setup web hosts like GoDaddy have perfected. Take the time to read the Help/FAQ files while shopping. A good host will walk you through the setup and won’t try to stick you with a $30 fee to install Forge, Bukkit, etc.

配置主机有多容易? 大多数主机已经发展到可以提供像GoDaddy这样的点击即付设置网络主机的功能。 在购物时花点时间阅读帮助/常见问题解答文件。 一个好的主机将引导您完成设置,并且不会尝试让您付$ 30的费用来安装Forge,Bukkit等。

维护注意事项 (Maintenance Considerations)

Once the server is up and running you’ll need to keep it running smoothly. How does the host provide for that? Will you have a nice web-based control panel? FTP access for swapping files? Will you need to do everything via command line or do they offer graphical tools? Does the host feature Minecraft-specific controls like , or an equivalent solution?

服务器启动并运行后,您需要使其平稳运行。 主机如何提供呢? 您会有一个不错的基于Web的控制面板吗? 通过FTP访问交换文件? 您是否需要通过命令行执行所有操作,或者它们提供图形工具? 主机是否具有Minecraft专用控件(例如 )或等效解决方案?

信誉考虑 (Reputation Considerations)

There are many, many Minecraft hosts out there and just like other hosting solutions (like web hosts) the quality varies tremendously. Further, the price is typically little indication of the quality.

Minecraft主机很多,就像其他主机解决方案(如Web主机)一样,质量差异很大。 此外,价格通常几乎不表示质量。

, for example, is the same host that powers some of the biggest multiplayer Minecraft servers around (like the enormous ), yet you can pick up a barebones vanilla Minecraft server package from them perfect for a half dozen players for only $2.49 a month. Add some extra RAM to support a Bukkit installation and mods and you can still squeeze by for around $8-10 a month. You’re on the same host and network as the big boys, but you’re paying Dollar Menu prices for your little server.

例如, 是与一些最大的多人Minecraft服务器(例如巨大的 )一起 ,但是您可以从中获得准系统的Minecraft服务器软件包,非常适合半打玩家,每套仅$ 2.49美元月。 添加一些额外的内存以支持Bukkit的安装和mods,您仍然可以按每月8-10美元的价格购买。 您与大男孩位于同一主机和网络上,但是您要为小服务器支付美元菜单价格。

Read the Minecraft forums and ask for recommendations and information about hosts you’re not familiar with.


制定自己的托管计划 (Roll Your Own Hosting Plan)

We’re including this as a point of consideration but we’ll be upfront with you, unless you have experience with hosting services, are comfortable with Linux, and are willing to do 100 percent of your own troubleshooting, a roll-your-own-plan is a tough sell. You’ll essentially be hosting a remote computer that you’re completely in charge of setting up.

我们将此作为考虑因素,但除非您有托管服务的经验,对Linux感到满意并且愿意进行100%的自行故障排除,否则我们将与您取得联系。 -计划是一个艰难的出售。 本质上,您将托管一台完全由您负责设置的远程计算机。

That said, where the roll-you-own plan really shines is if you’re looking to host a lot of players. At the lower end (20 players or less), it makes little sense not to get a plan from a respected Minecraft host; you’ll just be paying $5-15 a month or even less if you get a tiny plan. But, as the amount of memory you require to host a server climbs, prices scale upward pretty quickly.

也就是说,“滚动拥有”计划真正发挥作用的地方是,如果您希望接待很多玩家。 在低端(20个或更少的玩家),不从一个受人尊敬的Minecraft主机那里获得计划几乎没有道理; 如果您有一个小计划,您每月只需支付5-15美元,甚至更少。 但是,随着托管服务器所需的内存量增加,价格会Swift上升。

If you’re willing to be 100 percent responsible for everything from the set up to the maintenance to the backup routines, you can pick up virtual hosting dirt cheap from places like where a server with 2GB of memory will run you $7 a month, but 2GB of RAM on a dedicated Minecraft host will run you $20-30. You can upgrade the same setup all the way to 8GB of RAM and not even break $25 a month whereas a similar setup on a Minecraft host would run you around $80.

如果您愿意百分百地负责从设置到维护再到备份例程的所有工作,则可以从等便宜的虚拟主机托管服务中 ,这些服务器拥有2GB内存,每月可为您节省7美元,但是专用Minecraft主机上的2GB RAM将为您带来$ 20-30的费用。 您可以将同一设置升级到8GB RAM,每月甚至不超过25美元,而在Minecraft主机上进行类似设置将使您大约花费80美元。

Again, you’re completely on the hook for all the work required to set things up. Where it will take you five minutes with a proper Minecraft host to go from paying to playing, you’ll spend a weekend (or longer) tweaking a from-scratch setup on a virtual host if you go with the roll-your-own-plan.

同样,您完全可以完成设置工作所需的所有工作。 从适当的Minecraft主机到付费游戏,您需要花费5分钟的时间,如果您选择了“自行购买”,则需要花费一个周末(或更长时间)来调整虚拟主机上从头开始的设置,计划。

Regardless of which solution you end up with, you know have access to a whole new world of play. A remote server is always on, always available, and your friends can login from anywhere in the world without worrying about whether or not your home connection is up (or can support everyone you’ve invited to play).

无论您最终选择哪种解决方案,都可以访问全新的游戏世界。 远程服务器始终处于打开状态,始终可用,您的朋友可以从世界任何地方登录,而不必担心您的家庭连接是否已建立(或可以支持邀请您玩的每个人)。



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